The Coffee & Cocktails with MC Show – Guest – Adam Hays (Special Olympics)

Adam Hays
Special Olympics Maryland Athlete
Former Super Plunger
Current Plunger

I first learned about Adam several years ago when a local news broadcast started heavily promoting the Polar Bear Plunge that was coming up.  Adam was interviewed several times during different broadcasts.  I found out that he was (and still is) one of the many athletes that benefits from this fundraiser and was also an unofficial spokesperson because he used to be a Super Plunger.

I reached out to Adam via social media and asked him a few questions and he was very willing to answer them.  As a result, I learned, like me, Adam has hydrocephalus.  Our medical journeys have been very different, however, one thing we have in common is our desire to share our experiences so we can educate others and help shine a light on our condition.

Adam does an AMAZING job educating people on the mission of Special Olympics Maryland and the many sports that their athletes compete in.  Special Olympics is working ALL YEAR LONG to raise money and provide opportunities to their athletes.
The Polar Bear Plunge is the most well-known fundraising event, however.

Watch our fun interview to find out more about Adam and Special Olympics Maryland!  I am willing to bet you will learn something you did not know.  I did!

Interview with Adam Hays:

Polar Bear Plunge
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Donate here to support Adam!

Special Olympics Maryland:

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